I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Knitting is life.

I recently taught myself to knit. This is not an activity for people who get frustrated easily.....like me. Unlike crocheting, in knitting if you mess up, you have to go all the way back to start, where as with crocheting you can unhook a few stitches and keep going.
As I continue to have to unravel my work, seems like millions of times, I'm having a revelation of how knitting is like life. You work so hard creating a certain creation, making a life for yourself, keeping a pattern, routine, counting stitches, watching the clock, and then all of the sudden one mistake and it all comes apart. All of the sudden you're unraveling something you've worked so hard for. One wrong turn, one wrong decision and there you are, back at the start again, working your way up the mountain again, wishing you had just slowed down, not gotten into a rhythm with things, because that's when it gets you. You're left reeling, wondering what just happened and how do you ever start over. Your fingers hurt from holding the yarn so tight.
Yet, somehow you find the strength to start over, keep going. Drink a cup of tea, and start over. I realize and understand now how it can get so frustrating in life when you work so hard, and what for, really? What really matters is that you CAN start over. So many people don't get that chance. Either they give up and throw their yarn in the trash, or they are unable. I am so blessed to have my health, my families health, friends health. In one second it can all be gone. I've seen this. Countless times families have come up to my floor with their loved one, knowing their lives will never be the same. Trying to put the pieces back together but unable to find all the pieces. I'm so blessed.
So even though I'm frustrated with the knitting, I'll keep going, because I can, and so can you. If life is unraveling before you're eyes right now, keep knitting, it's so worth it, and if you can't, just wait, hold on. One day soon you'll find your yarn again, maybe in a prettier color.


Kelsey said...

You never cease to amaze me with your insight and eloquence. Thanks for sharing, Kels.

Julie said...

I love it. I like your yarn box too. You are so right about it. What is amazing about humans is our capacity to watch it all unwind and find the courage to start knitting again.

Kristen said...

Sister! Such wisdom, wisdom beyond your years. I think you should publish this.