I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It really bothers me.

I've realized something. In my almost 9months of being a nurse, I've found that the biggest thing that bothers me about certain patients is when they act like I've done nothing to help them. This doesn't happen that often, but when it does, the words and things I want to say that run through a reader-board in my head.....
Patients will say things like:
  • "If I knew I was going to be in this much pain I wouldn't have come to Dr. _____. This is bull____. I'll sign the papers and leave."
My reader-board says, "Oh really, you'll leave? You just told me a minute ago that the pain is so bad you can't move, so how you really gonna leave? Furthermore, I've called your doctor twice and had your pain meds adjusted, just for you, for your comfort. The reason nothing is working is because you take so many pain meds at home that your tolerance is high and you are addicted. That is why nothing is working for you, sir."
Patients will say:
  • "You need to call my doctor and ask her when she will be here to discharge me this morning. I'm not waiting around until lunch-time to get outta this place!"
My reader-board says, "Sure, I'll call your doctor at 4:30 in the morning to ask her when she will be in to see you. She would really love that. You must not see how absolutely ridiculous that sounds. You are in the hospital. You are sick. Lie down and go to sleep. I have done everything in my power to make you comfortable and now you want me to call Dr. _____to see when she'll be in to see you? Waiting around until lunch time will not kill you, sweetness."
Patients will say:
  • "You're not listening to what I'm saying.....I've taken so many pain medications in my life, nothing touches me anymore, so you need to figure something else out for me because this is not working."
My reader-board says, "I AM listening to what your saying, this is why I've talked to the doctor, I've tried everything to make you comfortable, but I have given you so many narcotics that I've had to hook you up to some machines to make sure that you don't go downhill after all that, and yet you still sit here, awake and yelling at me, even after that sleeping pill, nothing touches you because you take oxy, methodone, lortab, and I bet you even have a medical marajuana card."

The problem with some of these patients is that no matter what you do for them it will never be enough. No matter how hard I try or how hard I pray that they will have some kind of relief, it still bothers me when they discount all that I've tried to provide. I think it's because I'm a huge people pleaser and I don't have patients like this regularly. I can only count on one hand these certain patients, but I had one last night and it just wore me down all night, knowing he was so unhappy with me, his doctor and his care. He even went so far to say the pharmacists weren't scheduling his meds at the right time. Here's my reader-board again saying, "Oh really, what is it that you do, sir. Are you a phamacist, do you know how phamacokinetics work? No, I don't think so, give me a little trust and let me take care of you."
I hope I haven't offended anyone with this little blurb of a glimpse into my brain, but it just really bothers me when you try so hard, but still nothing makes these patients happy. Thank the Lord they're not like this everyday!


Julie said...

I really liked this post, Kels. It made me laugh. Especially the picture. And your reader-board. I can't blame you and it's good you have this blog to get it out! :)

Kaleenabrooke said...

Oh kelsy it's not just you....every person in a health profession deals with this. You are thinking listen here you ungrateful person I am doing everything that is my power to help you and advocate for you. You are right patients don't know about narcotics and respiratory rates etc and that makes it tough. I loeyouand you can bemynurse anyway anytime my sweet best friend....come visit ;)