I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Friday, December 24, 2010

This is what I know.

I know it is Christmas Eve, and I sit here alone. I'm on-call. Not many patients want to be in the hospital on Christmas. I know this is the first Christmas I've never been with my family. It's strange because it doesn't even feel like Christmas at all. I know there will be other Christmases with family, but I can't help but miss them all. Even though I will get to have Christmas dinner with a a wonderful friend's family, it won't be the same. Not bad, just different. This time of year is always hard for me. Although I love Christmas and everything it means, I can't help but think of others who are less fortunate than I, or families that aren't together for one reason or another. Maybe there was a miscommunication or past hurt feelings. Whatever it is, wouldn't Christmas be the perfect time to heal it? I know Christ can heal all things, and sometimes I wish we would all just let Him.
I know that I'm in love. I'm in love with Sydney Marie. 5lbs that have completely won me over. I know she is loved. I know her mama is the best and I know her Grandma is totally smitten with her. I know it killed me to leave them all last week. I know her squeeks and the way she stretches when I un-swaddle her. I know I wouldn't trade knowing these things for the world. I know I paid way too much money to buy an airline ticket just to know these things, but knowing her far surpasses any amount of money. I know being there for my sister in a scary time has never meant more to me. I know being a nurse has never felt so good. I know my
sister and I will share a special bond over this experience and I hope I get to do it with every baby of hers and she with mine. I know I felt such happiness seeing my mom hold her granddaughter, just hours old. I know we could all feel the pain my sister was feeling, though we weren't actually experiencing it. Something about the people you love, when they hurt, you hurt. When they cry, you cry. And when they smile, you smile. I know it's this crazy connection God gave us when we were all sewn together with blood and sinews in our mother's womb. It's that connection that makes us family. It's that connection that makes us hurt each other sometimes. Or take it for granted. It's that connection that keeps us together.
So, Merry Christmas to all. Share time with your family and friends. Love them. Know them. Heal wounds, new and old. Accept each other. Anything that is inhibiting your family connection needs to be done away with. Time is short. Life should not be taken for granted. Reconnect with what you KNOW.
From now on we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bow
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now


Harvard to Homemaker said...

Merry Christmas Kelsy! Even though I have a family now I still miss being with "my family" on Christmas. Your niece is sooo cute, and IMO money spent on experiences is money well spend. Hope your weekend is as merry as it can be, Spokane is just a drive away if you get too lonely!:)

Kelsey said...

Oh Kels, your post made me cry...and then laugh with the "my auntie is hot and single!" bib :)

You will never regret those moments with Sydney...ever!

You have more wisdom, insight, and love than any other 24 year old I know. I love you dear friend and I am sending you a Christmas hug...many, in fact! :)

Julie said...

Hey Kels...so glad you can come be here tomorrow. I know it's not your family and I'm missing mine so I'm glad we can be together. And it was killing me to not be up there with you guys lovin' on Sydney! :) Love ya.

Rhoda said...

That's the sweetest post, Kels. Sorry you had to be away from family for Christmas, but glad you know Christ and his healing. I love Sydney's bib! You are such a crack up :). Merry Christmas Friend - love you lots and praying for you too. Hugs

anymommy said...

Kelsy she is just beautiful. A priceless gift to be there I now. The Conner clan misses you tons and we wish you a very, very happy 2011.

Stephanie Gross said...

Bawling my eyes out and then laughing so hard at that bib! You write so well about such important and insightful things, you are quite a gal, Kelsy, quite a gal! Sydney Marie is a very lucky girl! Miss you!