I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Being an adult is hard.

Sometimes being an adult sucks. I hate making those adult decisions on what to do next with your life. Or even the little decisions on what flavor of ice cream I should get. I loath decisions. I try to pray and ask for guidance, but sometimes I think God ignores because He's tired of making all my decisions for me.
I have some decisions ahead of me. Decisions I don't want to make. Decisions I'm completely at a loss of how to decide. Months ago I would never have thought I'd be in this predicament, and now here I am, wanting to pay money to be a child again. Can I get a witness up in here? Does anyone else think that being an adult just sucks sometimes?
So I'm completely stuck. Please pray for me. My brain hurts and is thinking of shutting down just to spite me. Pray my brain doesn't fail me. Pray I make the right decision. Pray I stay as emotionally stable as possible.
Decisions will have to be made soon, and I will update you.


Kelsey said...

Oh Kels, I know it's hard. Just know this: no matter what decision you make, God will walk with you. You're smart and He's even smarter, so I am confident you will make the right decision :)

Julie said...

I like Kelsey's advice. I just got off the phone with you so I don't have much to say other than what I said. :)

I will pray.

Amy... said...

I agree...being an adult sucks sometimes. Here is the thing I've learned about these kind of decisions...I really don't think God has a right and wrong choice for you here. He is so much bigger and creative than us. He is able to make good out of ANYTHING. What do you WANT to do? I know what I want you to do:) Love you, Kels. I'm so glad we got a chance to visit a few days ago. Praying for you. xoxo amy

Stephanie Gross said...

Being an adult is SO hard and being all the things that you have been over the year are really hard too: open to new things, brave, optimistic, hard working, dedicated, patient, and confident. You are doing a great job and I know that you will make the best out of either decision you make. Plus you have tons of people who love you who will support you as well!

Kaleena said...

Agreed being an adult is hard friend! I love you bunches kelsy and you will always be one of my closest friends. I hope we can see each other soon! You made the right decision for YOU!