I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Friday, February 11, 2011

Throat Noises in AK

Today I went with my sister and niece to her two-month well baby visit.  It was pretty cool.  On a questionnaire my sister had to fill out, it asked "Does your baby make 'throat noises' or gurgling sounds?" Well yes, she does.  Sydney is a bonafide throat gurgler.  That kid makes so many different noises it is hard to keep track of what exactly is going on inside her.  Not only that, but she has some pretty awesome belches that are often confused with passing gas.  And there is no shortage of that either.  She is one healthy girl.
This kid has me totally mesmerized.  I'm enjoying this time up here, but it always goes so fast. So now I'm going to get off my computer and go take more pictures of her, so next time I post you'll have something pretty to look at!!!

PS- And she got her two-month shots and the nurse who gave them did it is less that 20 seconds!!!  I hope I can be that good someday!!!


Julie said...

Fun! I like going to well-baby checks. You could totally do the shots! :)

~Sue said...

Revelations of Sydney Marie by Auntie Kelsy! Looking forward to those pictures.

KALEENA said...

Heck yes I could do 4 in less than 20 seconds - 2 in each thigh! You get really good at it when they are squirmmy and moving - it's like a 1-2-3 boom boom boom boom done. Sometimes I felt like a steer wrestler in a rodeo you know and you throw your hands up at the end! :) haha glad you are having fun can't wait to see pictures and a phone date!! Love you