I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Snow Bunnies!!

Last weekend my friend Carly came to visit me! It was a great time to just hang out, cook for someone other than myself, and go skiing!! We had a blast.
I didn't have too many falls, but the falls I took were hard! I have a nice bruiser on my knee. One run I tried to be cool like Carly(she is a much more advanced skier than I) and go off a little jump. This is how it went; Kelsy picking up speed, Kelsy bending her knees a top of jump, Kelsy airborn, Kelsy regretting decision to be "cool," Kelsy hitting snow, Kelsy's butt hitting snow, Kelsy's skis in air above her, Kelsy splattered all over snow, Kelsy laughing.

It was such a beautiful, cold day! This might be my outdoor activity because other than this there is nothing to do here in the winter! Who wants to come skiing with me?!!!
Stay tuned for pictures of my decorated Christmas tree!!!


Kelsey said...

I want to come skiing with you!! Remember how you NEVER went skiing with me when we were kids because you were so worried about getting hurt during basketball season? Lame. Yeah, I'll never let that one go :)

I need an update on when you are coming home for Christmas...I NEED to see you! :)

Julie said...

Looks like fun! Sometime you'll have to come this way and we'll ski together while my parents babysit. My dad is sure Caleb needs to start skiing this year. Ummm, yeah. Not happening. :) But I bet you and I are the same level..I never go off jumps. So actually, you're probably better than me.

~Sue said...

Love how you relate your skiing adventure. You look to be loving skiing and what a beautiful day you had! Looking forward to that tree. Love that Christmas card on your side bar!

Rhoda said...

I love your skiing story and really glad you got to hang out with Car! Love you and maybe when I'm not preggo we can go skiing sometime :).