I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Monday, November 1, 2010

That's What I Get....

I've got a a story for you......the other night I worked with another nurse who is a LPN. She's a great nurse, but one of our protocol's at the hospital is an LPN cannot assess a new admit. A RN has to take a look first and then report off any strange findings. So I told this LPN I would assess her patient because I had time. The patient was a 21 year old, male, who had a laparoscopic appendectomy.
So I went in to assess him. He had a few friends in the room, but I did my best to get around, listen to his heart, ask him a few questions, from which I learned he has a very low pain threshold, but that's besides the point. I made small talk as I did this, talking to his friends and inquiring about what symptoms he had the night before that prompted him to come to the ER.
Here's where I made my mistake. When I was finished checking him out, looking at his incision, I said, "Well you look good." To which he responded by saying, "So do you." I did a little uncomfortable laugh while all his friends did their young twenties male laugh that goes something like this, hooh huh hoooh huh in a very low deep tone. Then the patient said, "It's the morphine talking."

I set myself up for that one.

Happy November!


Julie said...

Yes you did. But he was right...I'm sure you did look good! :)

~Sue said...

hooh huh hoooh huh

I just HAD to try that laugh for myself! I think you captured the phonics of it quite well! :)

Here's to looking good! Love ya, Nurse Kelsy.

Stephanie Gross said...

He was right!

Kristen said...

Well, you do look good. But you're such a good sport, Kels!

Kaleena said...

AHHHHHHHHHH that is awesome Kels!! I love it :)