I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Positive and A Negative

Well, what do you want first? Oh the negative you say.....Okay well here you have it. Yesterday I weatherized my house. I know, isn't that a man's job? I went to the local power companies free expo where I recieved this plastic to put over my windows and I thought with how cold it gets here I might as well use it. If you ask me, how much is a little plastic on the windows going to save on your power bill when it's -15. Okay, it hasn't gotten that low yet, but but it's been in the single digits.
Here's how my plastic window turned out...

See all those wrinkles and ruffles? Those aren't supposed to be there. With the heat from a blow dryer you smooth them out. Worked real well. Not only did I short out my breaker at one point, but then when I was done, and my plastic was very smooth and pretty, the tape they gave to secure it came undone, therefore leaving me with all the ruffles. If you think about it, the power company probably gives you this free plastic so you will use your blow dryer and rack up your bill, only to have it fall apart later. Man, they're smart. Tomorrow I'm going to try it again.

Ready for the positive? I thought so. Discussing power bills is not my favorite thing. I've decided to take the art of crochet to a higher level. I few years ago my sister taught me to crochet. I'm not very good at it still, but I had always just stuck to the single crochet, making scarves and sometimes hats. But recently YouTube helped teach me a few new techniques and here are a couple of the outcomes. The one on the left is just a single crochet, and on the right the bottom level is a double crochet with a flower doohicky. What do you think? Would you wear something like that?

And yes people this one on the right....this is me with no make-up. I know, yuck, I normally would not be willing to put something like this on my blog, but hey, that's the real me. I promise I DO have eyelashes.


Kelsey said...

Oh Kels, I love the hats!! A lot!

~Sue said...

Those hats are fantastic~~truly fantastic! And come on...make or no, the real you shines through in any photo!

Rhoda said...

Kels! You are so talented! Those hats are adorable :). (as in I would PAY you to make me one with the cute lil flower). Your wrinkly plastic makes me laugh! I am sure there must be some conspiracy theory involved with faulty plastic and blow dryers :). Too funny. Love you. OH, and thanks for finally posting something again - I missed reading about your MT life...don't forget to put up snow pictures please ;)

Julie said...

You are so funny. And you look great. I love the hats...and yes, Claire would look great in one with a flower. :) Just sayin...

kaleena said...

Strong work kelsy now we just need another girls weekend to show me how to use my coolio tools!! :) i love you and miss you and think about you lots!

Kristen said...

So, are those photos going to make their way onto esty??? I love the them as well. Do you make any in pastels, maybe a little bit smaller size?? I'd buy them from you!
Love you sis. Glad you've found another hobby!

Amy... said...

Have I told you how awesome you are? Just wondering...cause you really are. I admire ANYONE who can finish a project...you finished and they turned out great! Really cute. And also, I wouldn't have guessed you were sans makeup!

Sarah said...

Those hats are awesome! I crochet too, I need to find those youtube videos for more ideas.