I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Tonight I'm thankful for Lulu. L is the little girl I babysat almost 5 years during college. I also babysat her younger sister M, once she came into the world. During this time I became very close with their family and they were like an extra special second family for me during college. Last week I received a letter from Lucy. Here it is:

L wrote this all by herself. In case you can't read it because of my camera flash, it says: "Kelsy, I miss you. Love you, The (Last Name)."
Words cannot explain the emotions that sprung across my face. That girl is so thoughtful, sensitive and sweet. I miss her too. I miss having performances and jumping on the bed. I miss making smoothies for those girls. I miss taking "Elf," and "Stella" for a walk to the park. I miss movie night. I miss dress-up just to make M happy. I miss you girls.

Isn't it crazy how such small people can take up so much space in your heart. As painful as it is to not be such a small part of their lives now, I'm still so thankful for the relationship I made with them while I was there. Sometimes I tell myself, "Why did I get so connected with this family? It only makes it harder to not get to hang out with them now." But then I think, it's better to have loved and moved on, than to never have loved them at all. So "L and M," just like I used to write you in my planner, I miss you too. You girls have touched my life forever and I'm so thankful for what you've taught me.
Miss you. Miss you. Miss you.
Thank you for the letter, L. You made my day.

1 comment:

Julie said...

What a great picture at the end. How crazy that L was Claire's age when I met them! AAHHH...if that went that fast that means my baby's going to be writing letters soon! And they were lucky to have you!