I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Debbie Downer

Sorry guys.  I've been a bit of a Debbie Downer lately.  Seems like we've just had a lot of sad stories coming through.  Even last night, another sad, sad story.  I just wanted to hide in a corner, but I won't burden you with another sad story.
I'm going to tell you a funny one.  One I haven't told.  It actually happened a long time ago.  When I was a student actually.  My best friend from Nursing School often reminds me of this story and then we laugh until the cows come home.
I was in my OB rotation and was lucky enough to get to observe on a couple of c-sections.  This sweet lady had her epidural in place and could no longer feel the lower portion of her body.  I was going to place a foley catheter to drain her urine because, you know, when you have an epidural you can't always coordinate that process so well.  I was a bit nervous, I was still very new at placing catheters and the MD, nurses, and techs were all waiting for me to finish up so we could get going.  I was leaned over, very close to the patient, focusing very hard, when out of the silent, peaceful state of the Operating Room came a large amount of gas from the patient.  After all, she didn't have control.  I was so focused and "in the zone" that it scared the crap out of me.  I immediately jumped up, straightened my back, and my pupils were probably the size of a penny.  I tried to regain my composure while the patient was apologizing profusely and being reassured by all in the room that it happens all the time.  I was able to finally place the foley, a beautiful baby was born, and all hopefully was forgotten of my very sensitive startle reflex.  I still laugh every time I think of it, as do many of my nursing friends.  As embarrassed as I think she was, I think I was more embarrassed at how high I jumped from that loud noise that came booming right at me.
Have I picked up the mood a bit?


~Sue said...

You did! You certainly dild!

Kaleena said...

HAHAHAHA that is hilarious and the first time me hearing that story! Love it and love you!