I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I've been babyfied.

Here's a little glimpse of what's going on in my house lately....

 My sister and niece have arrived.  They are going to be living with me for about 6 months while their life is in transition.  We have already packed in way too many fun things: a trip to the west side of the state, trip to the local orchard, getting signed up at a fitness center, and more fun stuff.  And now it is time to slow down.  The rhythm of my life has definitely changed, but I am adjusting, as are they.  Besides, looking at this face each day couldn't make me happier!
Oh, and I like to see my sisters face too!  So, if your wondering why I haven't updated my blog in a while, it's because I've been busy being babyfied!


Lisa said...

Hi Kelsy. This is Lisa. I have been meaning to comment and tell you I was blog-stalking you since Julie linked a little award to you a few months ago, but I am lazy. So... now you know :)

Additionally, I am glad they have arrived. Now, will you please have your sister check her email? I have invited you three to a "harvest party" on saturday and she did not get back to me :)

Kaleena said...

YAY for pictures!! Geesh can she get any cuter??!! I was waiting till you three got settled so I will be calling you soon now that you have gotten into a routine now :) I miss you!!

Anonymous said...

Ladies' You are all inspiring and give an insight to
your side of what it's like to care for other human
beings. Most of my adult life I suffered from health
complications,from ulcerated colitis,colon cancer,
brittle bones due to predisone,to needing a right hip
replacement .This is the 3rd year In a nursing home.
How much longer depends on getting a new hip and
making a full recovery from fibromyalgia in being
strong enough to live alone.
Nurses and CNAs are over worked :1)
family is not the same ,everybody goes their own way.
2)The last decade of events has drained everyone
from businesses to the old,sick and weak which unfortunately include you male and female health
practicenists.We all should help you and our troops to
veterans for you all are the back bone to what makes
America so great God Bless .You got my vote!!!