I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

For your listening pleasure

So for those of you that don't have my same taste in music, just push pause on this playlist.  Eventually I will have to take it off because it will drive some of you crazy, and probably me at some point.  
But today, it's raining.  It's one of those days where you stay inside, read your book, knit, and listen to good tunes.  
From me to you, here's the music that makes my heart sing...

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Rhoda said...

Jadon likes your playlist! He stopped fussing when it started to play :)

Amy... said...

Kelsy, your playlist looks like mine!! Shockingly similar! Maybe we're related?! xoxo amy