I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Double Cinco

Today I celebrate a quarter of a century.  Because that is how old I am.  I know many of you will say, hey kid, you got a lot of living left to do, no complaining.  But here’s what I say to you:  It’s my birthday….I can do whatever I want today.  So there.
I feel indifferent about it.  I’m in my mid-twenties.  I AM MID-TWENTY.  Did I learn anything this year?  Did I grow?  To those, I can definitely answer YES. Yet, I often get caught up comparing myself to others my age and what stage of life they are in now.  You would not believe how many people I know in this city I live in who are younger than me and have three kids.  The majority of my friends are in the “starting a family” stage.  I’m happy for them.  I am, but I’m left wondering:  Am I behind?  Did I miss the wagon?  I know I haven’t.  I know I’m right on track.  But I do need reminding of that.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and make a reference to my friend Julie’s age.  And I can do this because I know she loves me, and I’m spending today with her, and no matter how old she is she will always look like she’s 18, even if she is carrying two toddlers in her arms.  But I remember when she was 25.  I was a few years younger and I can remember thinking…..”Whoa 25 seems old.  It’s like you’re almost 30.”  Okay, whoa just writing that freaked me out.
I’m gonna stop talking about age.  You know, who cares what age we are.  As long as we are living life with a smile on our face and laughter on the tip of our tongues, that’s what matters.  So, that’s what I’m doing today.
I’m also going to thank “the non-Gross family,”  for the tulips I received last week, an early b-day present that has brightened my days all week.  I even said to myself, “I should buy flowers more often…they brighten my day.”  So thank you wonderful Gross family, whom I miss terribly.

PS- Special shout out to my mother this day.  She brought me into the world, all twenty four inches of me(Yes, I was really THAT long).  Well done Mother Dearest, you are my shoulder to lean on and I am your victim when correcting grammar.  I love you.


Kelsey said...

Happy Birthday, Kels!! Love you :)

Harvard to Homemaker said...

Happy Happy birthday Kelsey! Have a fantastic day young 'un:)

KALEENA said...

Love love love you best friend! you are beautiful and i admire and look up to you. Heck age doesn't matter because you never have to act your age :) love you!