I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

To Dad.

Happy Birthday, Dad!!  Today is your day!!
You'll always be that crazy dad to me no matter what age you are.  Besides, you don't act your age anyway(and this is the way it should be)!!  The one who gets hyper on Sunday nights and chases me around the house trying to poke me in the stomach.  The one who squeezes me so hard when he hugs me, he cracks my back.  The one who changes my oil, and tries to teach me, but I prefer you do it.  The one who leaves me messages with my favorite songs playing on the radio.  You're the man, Dad.  I love you!


Julie said...

Happy Birthday Dave! You are a GREAT dad!

Kelsey said...

Kels, you have a wonderful father :) Happy Birthday Dave!!

~Sue said...

Takes a special daughter to recognize a special Dad. Your special, he's special.

~Sue said...

self correct-- you're

Kaleena said...

DILAVID!!!! Oh yes he is an awesome dad!! We seriously were the most blessed group of friends growing up and had the coolest parents! Tell him Happy Birthday for me :) Sure miss seeing him too!