I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Monday, November 22, 2010

Miso Cold.

This past week I dove head first into the cold, chilly winter. My heater now stays on constantly, and my space heater, needless to say, cannot keep up. I now wear two pairs of socks every day and put my heating pad on top of my feet when I go to bed. My down jacket has moved out of the closet to a coat hook by the back door and I've shoveled my driveway three times already. But I have not taken my first icy fall, which I'm very proud of, but since I just said this, I will probably fall tomorrow on my way to bible study. Stay tuned...
I'm full of anticipation right now. My pregnant sister is at home with my parents. They're probably snuggled up by the fire. I'm so looking forward to seeing my sisters belly in person. Feeling my niece (who I fondly refer to as "Maude") kick around. I'm going to bring my stethoscope home so we can all listen to her heartbeat! I can't wait to see the sparkle in Kristen's eye for myself. Crap. I think I'm going to cry when I see her. I'm also looking forward to seeing my parents, being in a place that I know will always be my home. No matter where I go or what I do, I know that that place will always feel the most like home. My childhood, my memories, and most of the most important people in my world will be there.
So stay tuned for many Thanksgiving memories and maybe even my own Christmas tree.

And now, just for you Rhoda Dear....


Kristen said...

You will be here soon. And I'm not sure you will see a sparkle in my eye, probably just tired, droopy eyes. I love you, hang in there for a few more days and then drive home safely!!

Julie said...

Ohh...sad. I wish I was going to see you guys. But considering the weather, there's no NO WAY I could make the trip with my kids. Thinking of all the times I've done that drive in horrible weather pales in comparison to having my babies in the car with me and doing it. Happy Thanksgiving my second family!