I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Friday, August 12, 2011

1 Room. 2 Patients.

So at this new job I have, we have double occupancy rooms.  This is interesting.  I always only dealt with private rooms, which I think is totally understandable, considering patients may either be puking, farting, moaning in pain, you name it, it all happens in the hospital.  Then tac on top of that, sharing all that loveliness with another complete stranger?  How inconsiderate could we get?  Oh well, what choice do I have in this.
This week I had a couple of ladies in a double room.  They were both polar opposites on how they were handling their diagnosis.  Patient #1 was a champ.  Up and moving.  Motivated.  Pain under control.  Rockstar.  Patient #2.  Not so much.  Lots of pain.  Moaning.  Little bit obnoxious.   Moving slow, not doing much of anything.
I couldn't help but hold in my laugh every time I entered their room because of this:  Patient #2 was snoring like a massive bear that had sinus problems all his life.  She was sitting straight up in bed, with her head cocked back (to balance her weight), mouth dropped wide open, vibrating the walls of the room.  Quite a nice site for someone who has been needing a good laugh lately.  I couldn't help but feel so bad for Patient #1, who got stuck with this bear for a roomie.  No fun at all.  
So I softly woke up Patient #2, to lay her back down to bed, so that she wouldn't really fall into a deep sleep and clunk her head on the floor.  As if she wasn't in a deep sleep already.
Moral of the story is: Stay out of the hospital because if you get in there, you just never know what you're going to be subject to.  And the privacy curtain is worthless.

1 comment:

Kaleena said...

Bwahahahaha hilarious!! And that sucks for #1! at least they had an awesome nurse like you :-)