I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Making the Transition

I can feel myself already starting to pull away.  Only four more shifts left.  This was my first real job and saying goodbye feels like looking for greener grass.  I didn't go looking for something better.  I just went looking for something that was right for me.  And that still has yet to be determined.  That's the risk I'm taking.  What if I don't like the job?  What if people don't like me?  What if it's a struggle the way it was here?  I'm taking a leap of faith and hoping it turns out.
I've never been good at goodbyes.  I want to sneak out in the dead of the night and never look back.  I work with some really neat people.  I wish I could take them with me.  This floor I work on has seen me as a baby nurse, fearful and full of questions.  Now an infant nurse, confident and full of questions.  I hope I never forget the stories and experiences of these hallways, for this is where I grew.  A tiny seed planed in a small hospital in po-dunk Montana, now sprouting and blooming flowers.  Ready to ride the wind elsewehere.


Harvard to Homemaker said...

Good Luck Kels! Is it too much to hope you're headed back here?

And I hate goodbyes, too. I avoid them to the point that it is embarrassing. Try and be present for your last few days and then high tail it outta there! (IMHO)

Julie said...

Transitions are always hard, even if it is to something that you really want and seems like it will be better. There's always the unknown! You'll get through it with style, I just know it!

Shannan Martin said...

Fly, Girlie! It's gonna get even better, I think. :)

KALEENA said...

My sweet kelsy!! Don't goodbyes suck! Even after we left your house a few weeks ago I was thinking "dang when will I see my Kels again?" It is scary for sure - starting a new job having to prove yourself all over again and make friends with co-workers all at the same time. It is rough but that is why Im here for you :) I love you so much Kelsy and God has special things in store for you I know it!