I'm Kelsy. I'm a nurse. I work the night shift on a crazy surgical unit and you would not believe the stuff that happens when sick people sleep. To hear more about that and other stories read on....

Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Hey!! I'm from Butte!!!"

Yep people, that's where I lived the past 15 months.  Butt, Montana....oops, I mean Butte, Montana.  I have lots more to say on that topic, but for now I want to tell you this story.....

So this morning I got up and went to Bullzeye.  Yeah, I know, I was just there last week, but I needed things.  I was just pulling out of the parking lot and stopped at the traffic light when behind me a man leaned out the window of his paint-chipped chevy and yelled, "Hey I'm from Butte!!!"  Weird.
The reason he knew that's where I came from is because MT has codes per what county you live in and they give you the corresponding license plate.  So you can be driving around MT and have somewhat of an idea of where the people you are passing are from.  Bozeman is 6, Helena is 5 and yada yada, well Butte is 1.  Yep, #1.
Back to my story....I didn't really say anything to the man because by the time I realized I was the one he was talking to, the light had turned green.  He ended up passing me, but I did get a good look at him and I wanted to say, "Yeah...you're from Butte."
He had grown out long hair around the a big bald spot on the top of his head.  He looked just like one of my old neighbors....except he wasn't.  I think that style of hair wants to say, "Hey, I might not be able to grow hair on the top of my head, but I sure can grow it on the sides, see?"  He had one arm resting outside the window as if to say he hadn't a care in the world and it looked like he may have a lip-full of chew.  To top it off he wasn't wearing a shirt and he probably should have been.
What a guy...........I miss Butt.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hilarious. Now don't be hating on my dad's hometown. He is from Butte and he always wears a shirt, doesn't chew and only sometimes puts his arm out the window.

Just teasin' you Kels. I know exactly what you are talking about and I bet you will be glad when you get some new license plates. :)