Guess where I am? Does the big "W" on the plane in front of me give it away? (cough coughGo Cougscough cough) SeaTac Airport! I ditched Montana for an experience I had no idea was so important to me.
On Sunday my sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Sydney Marie. My namesake.
Things weren't exactly as planned, but mama and babe are healthy and happy. I realized when everything started to happen how badly I wanted to be there. To be able to hold my niece within day of her life being born. I wanted to see my sisters joyful face and be so proud of her. I was the worst nurse that night. My poor patients hopefully couldn't tell how distracted I was. I kept sneaking into the med room to check my messages and text people!
I didn't care what I had to do, I needed to be there. I was able to get my shifts covered and purchased the most expensive airline ticket ever. I praise God for that. I don't even care how much money it took, I needed to be there. Originally I only planned to go see them after the baby was born, so I could be sure I would get to see babe outside the belly, but I now realize just how important this was to me. And no amount of money or losing vacation days at work could change my mind about that.
Happy tuesday everyone!!! It's a great day to be happy!!!
Kels, I am soooo thrilled that you get to see Kristen and Sydney TODAY!!! Give them both hugs and kisses from the whole Asbjornsen clan :) Sydney is beyond lucky to have you as her auntie :)
Oh, I bet you are so pleased that little miss Sydney is named after you :)
Yay! I am ... jealous ... but so happy for you guys! Enjoy holding sweet Sydney and cleaning house and cooking meals and being such a wonderful sister! Can't wait to see pictures!
Well, I cried a little bit after reading this post. Cause I know how important this is and how hard it is to be far away and also how wonderful it is that you are there! Have the most wonderful time helping this new little family and please give them our best!
Oh kelsy Marie! I am so happy for you and glad u got things covered at work so u could leave to alaska and hold your precious niece Sydney and hug your sis Kristen!! Can't wait to see pics I love you friend!
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